Thursday, March 8, 2012

An Offering

Consecrated Hands
These hands of mine are rough and plain,
And often, Lord, they ache with pain.
Not smooth nor beaut'ous to behold,
They cook the meals and clothes do fold.
From morn 'til night, whate'er they do,
This, Lord they consecrate to You.

They labor hard, our bread to earn,
And, joined in prayer, for thee do yearn.
One thing alone, their labors ask,
In each and every humble task.
From morn 'til night, whate'er they do,
This, Lord, they consecrate to You.

Today's prayer is called Consecrated Hands. It's a prayer I found on my mom's deck of Catholic playing cards. I like it because it's about making your entire day a prayer- consecrating your every act of the day to God. 

At school today we tried to do this by meeting in the second floor hallway (a bunch of us mostly from the kyrios fam) and saying an Our Father together. It was a nice, easy, way to lift up the day in prayer and come together as a community. I was sort of surprised by how many of us showed up the first day, but in a good way. I'm hopeful that this is something that will last and will help us to sanctify our school days. :)

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