Friday, March 30, 2012


I've been watching clips from the show Sherlock over break. And reading stories. And watching the episodes...

Anyway, ups, incredible downs, whatever, it's a really interesting moment of being in someone else's mind, and seeing yourself in those moments. :) One of the best parts in it is being able to see the friendship there.

Friendship is the giving of your heart to someone, and saying- here this is me. This is what is important to me. You can keep it if you want. Explore it. Break it. Please, please, please don't break it. Please don't hurt me, but it's ok if you do. I'll forgive you, because you mean a lot to me, and you wouldn't break my heart without a really good reason.

Scary. Really scary. But so worth it.


Lord, please bless my friends, wherever they are. Let them know that I love them, and would do anything for them. Help me to bring good to the always, because I love them, and they bring good into my life and show me You. Please protect them Lord. Keep them close to You, and be there for them especially when I can not. Thanks for giving them to me. Thank You, thank You, thank You.


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