Friday, April 6, 2012

Tell Me a Story

Today is Good Friday, and I have two prayers to post today.

The first is to tell you to look up and say the Divine Mercy Chaplet- the novena starts today and finishes the Sunday after Easter. There is incredible grace that comes from it.

The second part is a story.

Yes, I did just say story. Like "Once upon a time".

I have to warn you though, it's not a happy story. It's beautiful and terrible, and worth your time.

I suggest meditating on it. You can comment if you would like an explanation. Written from a woman's point of view.

You were in the mall the other day. I saw you. You and your husband... what was his name again? I don't remember... though I'm sure everyone remembers him. He was perfect. The most perfect man I have ever seen before in my life. Tall, funny, and absolutely gorgeous! I thought he was a prince- he looked the part. He had everything, and what he wanted most in the world was you. He loved you. Loved you so much, that he wanted to give you everything.

Nothing was to much to for his love. The shopping trip that day was his idea- he wanted to surprise you with something.

It started off well enough. You shopped, and looked in the store windows, and he listened to you talk about nothing for hours on end. He would have been happy even if neither of you had spoken all day. It didn't matter to him as long as you were together. That was enough to make him deliriously happy.

Then everything went horribly, horribly wrong.

A mad man with a gun came out of a store and started yelling at you. "You! You did this! It's all your fault!!! And now you will pay." He lowered the gun so that it was aimed at you head.

You were going to die. No ifs, ands, or buts. No talking him out of it. The man cocked his gun and you saw your life pass before your eyes. Everything you've done, everything you didn't do, everything you are proud of and regret. It was over so fast...

Right before the man could fire a strong voice rang out "STOP!"

"Please! I'm begging you! Don't shoot! I love her!!!" It was your magnificent husband, terrified for you life, desperate to keep you safe- because the very idea of life without you hurt him so badly that he was willing to do anything to give you every chance of walking away from this.

The gunman paused for a moment to stare at him. "She deserves this. You know she does. You know." You're husband didn't hesitate. He looked the other man straight in the eyes and said "Will you take me in her place? If you shoot me, would you let her go?" The man considered for a moment your husband- his innocence in the matter that he would claim your life for and his willingness to sacrifice for you. "Yes" the man nodded. "If you will take her place, I will be satisfied, and she will not be harmed."

"Take me then."

The shot was defining. In one moment, your beautiful, wonderful husband, the man who wanted nothing in the world but to be with you forever, was gone because of your mistakes. He died for you that day and he did it gladly.

He loves you. Loves you in a way that I cannot even begin to comprehend, but hope that everyone who was there that day, who hears this story, wants to experience.

I hope you know that.

I hope you never forget.

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